This application contains following chapters with topics on blood physiology.Body Fluidssignificance...
This application contains following chapters with topics on blood physiology.Body Fluidssignificance of body fluids, compartments of body fluids –distribution of body fluids, composition of body fluids, measurement of body fluid volume, concentration of body fluids, maintenance of water balance, applied physiology.Bloodproperties of blood, composition of blood, functions of blood. Plasma Proteinsnormal values, separation of plasma proteins, properties of plasma proteins, origin of plasma proteins, functions of plasma proteins, plasma pheresis, variations in plasma protein level.Red Blood Cellsnormal value, morphology of red blood cells, properties of red blood cells, lifespan of red blood cells, fate of red blood cells, functions of red blood cells, variations in number of red blood cells, variations in size of red blood cells, variations in shape of red blood cells, variations in structure of red blood cells.Erythropoiesissite of erythropoiesis, process of erythropoiesis, factors necessary for erythropoiesis.Hemoglobin and Iron Metabolismnormal hemoglobin content, functions of hemoglobin, structure of hemoglobin, types of normal hemoglobin, abnormal hemoglobin, abnormal hemoglobin derivatives, synthesis of hemoglobin, destruction of hemoglobin, iron metabolism.Erythrocyte Sedimentation Ratedetermination of ESR, normal values of ESR, significance of determining ESR, variations of ESR, factors affecting ESR. Packed Cell Volume and Blood Indices method of determination, significance of determining PCV, normal values of PCV, variations in PCV, blood indices, importance of blood indices, different blood indices, calculation of blood indices. Anemiaclassification of anemia, signs and symptoms of anemia.Hemolysis and Fragility of Red Blood Cells Definition, process of hemolysis, fragility test, conditions when hemolysis occurs, hemolysins. White Blood Cells classification, morphology of white blood cells, normal white blood cell count, variations in white blood cell count, lifespan of white blood cells, properties of white blood cells, leukopoiesis.ImmunityDefinition and types of immunity, development and processing of lymphocytes, development of humoral immunity, natural killer cell, cytokines, immunization, immune deficiency diseases, allergy and immunological hypersensitivity reactions, autoimmune diseases.Plateletsstructure and composition, normal count and variations, properties of platelets, functions of platelets, activators and inhibitors of platelets, development of platelets, lifespan and fate of platelets, applied physiology – platelet disorders. Hemostasisstages of hemostasisCoagulation of Bloodfactors involved in blood clotting, sequence of clotting mechanism, blood clot, anticlotting mechanism in the body, anticoagulants, physical methods to prevent, procoagulants, tests for blood clotting, applied physiology.Blood Groupsabo blood groups, rh factor, other blood groups, importance of knowing blood group.Blood Transfusionprecautions, hazards of blood transfusion, blood substitutes, exchange transfusion, autologous blood transfusion.Blood VolumeNormal blood volume, variations in blood volume, measurement of blood volume, regulation of blood volume, applied physiology. Reticuloendothelial System and Tissue Macrophageclassification of reticuloendothelial cells, functions of reticuloendothelial system. SpleenStructure of spleen, functions of spleen, applied physiology. Lymphatic System and Lymph Lymphatic system, lymph nodes, lymph.Tissue Fluid and Edemafunctions of tissue fluid, formation of tissue fluid, applied physiology – edema.